15 JUN 2014
Getting Rid Of Hamster Odour
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Hamsters | Pet Care
Your hamster may have stolen your heart even before you brought him home, but before long, you may not want to take a whiff of air near his cage. It's usually his urine that stinks so bad. If the smell of your pet hamster's urine is the first thing you notice when you enter the room you keep him in, chances are you need to change how you are taking care of your pet. Hamsters are not smelly animals -- they're super-clean -- but their cages can develop a serious odour problem if you aren't taking measures to keep bad smells at bay. Normal Urine Odours Urinating is one of your hamster's way of removing waste from his body. Urine is a sterile fluid that primarily contains water along with various salts, minerals, toxins, sugars and various compounds. The odour of hamster urine is typically weak, but the smell becomes more noticeable depending on what your hamster has been consuming, whether he is suffering from medical problems and whether you clean his cage as you should... [More] control smells in hamster cage.jpg
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